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This section provides the first version of the Blueprint Specification with accompanying examples.

This is a specification of resources that can be deployed such as a Celerity application.

This specification is agnostic to the type of resources and is similar to tools like Terraform in the fact that it is abstract enough to support all kinds of resources (e.g. Cloud service resources, REST API resources, Docker containers etc.)

A blueprint will typically contain a bundle of resources that represent a logical deployable unit. One example of this would be a micro-service and its associated data stores.

The blueprint spec utilises a way of defining labels and link selectors that can be used to automatically link resources together without in-depth knowledge of what powers the relationships. For example, this could abstract away a significant portion of dealing with permissions and networking for resources in a cloud provider.

The purpose of the blueprint specification and supporting implementations is to provide the backbone of scalable code and infrastructure deployment tools and to be a part of an ecosystem of composable tools that super charge developers to deliver high quality products and services at a fast pace.

A blueprint can either be in JSON or YAML format.

Yet another specification for resources?

You might be thinking, why on earth do we need another language/specification for defining resources?

That is a completely reasonable question. However, with a clean slate and an ability to focus on simplicity from the beginning we believe the blueprint framework having its own specification is fundamental.

What sets the blueprint specification apart from pre-existing specs of a similar nature is that it is designed to simplify relationships between resources with pre-defined rules about how resources can be linked together that are implemented as a part of providers in an implementation of the spec such as the blueprint framework.

This means as a user, you will only have to define relationships between resources with labels, link selectors and accompanying annotations and not have to deal with the inner workings of said relationships. This is a huge advantage especially when dealing with resources with very complex relationships that represent a standard practise or pattern that can be simplified.


This is a specification conveying a valid structure for a blueprint along with additional context that goes beyond the schema.

You might be familiar with some of the concepts as the specification is inspired by Terraform, AWS CloudFormation and Kubernetes.

version (required)

The version of the blueprint specification to use.



allowed values


For the v2023-04-20 version of the specification, the only valid value is 2023-04-20.


One or more specialised transforms to be applied to the template at the preprocessing stage.

An example use case for a transform would be to provide "virtual" resources that abstract away a lot of complexity that can then be expanded into the underlying resources as a part of preprocessing.


string | array[string]



Representing a hypothetical transform for a celerity application.


Variables provide a way to add dynamic inputs to a blueprint that can be referenced in resources, data sources in the spec along with the include section that allows importing child blueprints.

Variables can be referenced in resources and data sources using the following syntax:


For example:


For more information about referencing variables, see the references section.


mapping[name(string), variableDefinition]



"variables": {
"databaseHost": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The host of the database"
"databasePort": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The port of the database"
"databaseUser": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The user of the database to connect with"
"databasePassword": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The password of the user to connect to the database with",
"secret": true
"instanceSize": {
"type": "aws/ec2/instanceSize",
"description": "The size of the instance to use for the service",
"default": "t3.micro"
"deploymentTarget": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Whether the application should be deployed as a containerised service or cloud functions",
"allowedValues": ["container", "cloudFunctions"],
"default": "container"


type: string
description: The host of the database
type: integer
description: The port of the database
type: string
description: The user of the database to connect with
type: string
description: The password of the user to connect to the database with
secret: true
type: aws/ec2/instanceSize
description: The size of the instance to use for the service
default: t3.micro
type: string
description: Whether the application should be deployed as a containerised service or cloud functions
- container
- cloudFunctions
default: container


Values provide a way to define static and computed values that can be used in various sections of a blueprint such as resources, data sources and exports. Values are mostly useful for storing computed values that can be reused in multiple places or exported to be used in other blueprints or external systems.

For example, a value could be used to store the names of a list of dynamically generated s3 bucket names to be exported from the blueprint as follows:

type: aws/s3/bucket
objectLockEnabled: true

type: aws/s3/bucket
objectLockEnabled: true

type: aws/s3/bucket
objectLockEnabled: false

type: array
value: |

type: array
field: values.s3BucketNames

Values can be referenced using the following syntax:


For more information about referencing values, see the references section.


Exports can not carry out any computation for the field property as it is a reference to a value that is not a part of a ${..} substitution. Functions can only be called in ${..} substitutions.

To get around this limitation, you can use a value to store the computed value and then reference the value in the exports definition.


mapping[string, valueDefinition]



"values": {
"s3BucketNames": {
"type": "array",
"value": "${list(,,}"


type: array
value: |


Data sources provide a way to source dynamic values to be used in resources and other data sources from external sources that will have been created outside the scope of a blueprint.

Data sources can be from any provider configured in an implementation of the spec.

The order in which data sources are resolved is implicitly determined by references between data sources.

Data sources can be referenced using the following syntax:


For example, for a data source definition like the following:

type: aws/vpc
displayName: Network source
field: tags
operator: has key
search: ${variables.environment}
type: array
type: array
type: string
aliasFor: vpcId

You will be able to access the id of the VPC that was found using the filter like so:


For more information about referencing data source fields, see the references section.


mapping[string, datasourceDefinition]



"datasources": {
"network": {
"type": "aws/vpc",
"metadata": {
"displayName": "Network source"
"filter": {
"field": "tags",
"operator": "has key",
"search": "${variables.environment}"
"exports": {
"subnets": {
"type": "array"
"securityGroups": {
"type": "array"
"vpc": {
"type": "string",
"aliasFor": "vpcId"


type: aws/vpc
displayName: Network source
field: tags
operator: has key
search: ${variables.environment}
type: array
type: array
type: string
aliasFor: vpcId

resources (required)

Resources are the most important part of the blueprint spec, providing a way to define the key components that make up a blueprint and the relationships between them.

An implementation of the spec is responsible for managing the lifecycle of resources, synchronising with underlying services interfaced with through providers and keeping track of their state.

Resources in the blueprint spec are not meant to be tied to any specific notion of a resource. If there is a resource/entity as a part of a domain model in any type of system and you can build a provider for it, then it can be represented as a resource in a blueprint.

The most common use cases are likely to be managing cloud infrastructure and backend applications. (e.g. AWS services or a Celerity application)

When defined in a blueprint, resources are mappings keyed by a name for the resource that is unique to a blueprint.


mapping[string, resourceDefinition]



"resources": {
"saveOrderFunction": {
"type": "aws/lambda/function",
"description": "The function responsible for saving a new order to the system.",
"metadata": {
"displayName": "Save Order Function",
"annotations": {
"aws.lambda.function.populateEnvVars": true
"linkSelector": {
"byLabel": {
"service": "ordersApi"
"spec": {
"functionName": "ordersApi-${variables.environment}-saveOrderFunction-v1",
"codeUri": "./orders",
"handler": "save_order.handler",
"runtime": "python3.9",
"tracing": "Active",
"architectures": "arm64",
"environment": {
"variables": {
"DATABASE_HOST": "${variables.databaseHost}",
"DATABASE_PORT": "${variables.databasePort}",
"DATABASE_USER": "${variables.databaseUser}",
"DATABASE_PASSWORD": "${variables.databasePassword}",
"DATABASE_NAME": "${variables.databaseName}"
"timeout": 120


type: aws/lambda/function
description: The function responsible for saving a new order to the system.
displayName: "Save Order Function"
aws.lambda.function.populateEnvVars: true
service: 'ordersApi'
functionName: ordersApi-${variables.environment}-saveOrderFunction-v1
codeUri: ./orders
handler: save_order.handler
runtime: python3.9
tracing: Active
architectures: arm64
DATABASE_HOST: ${variables.databaseHost}
DATABASE_PORT: ${variables.databasePort}
DATABASE_USER: ${variables.databaseUser}
DATABASE_PASSWORD: ${variables.databasePassword}
DATABASE_NAME: ${variables.databaseName}
timeout: 120


Include provides a way to include other blueprints in a given blueprint. Included blueprints are treated as children and their properties can be accessed from the parent using ${children.{childName}.{property}}. Child blueprints can be referenced in resources, as inputs to other child blueprints and in exports. See the references section for more information on how values from child blueprints can be referenced.

This is the primary way to compose blueprints that is a part of the core specification, see Modular Blueprints for other approaches.

The order of deployment and change staging for child blueprints is determined based on references to the outputs of one child blueprint used as the input to another.


mapping[string, includeDefinition]



"include": {
"coreInfra": {
"path": "core-infra.yaml",
"description": "core infra (including database) for the Orders API",
"variables": {
"databaseName": "${variables.databaseName}"
"metadata": {
"sourceType": "aws/s3",
"bucket": "order-system-blueprints",
"region": "eu-west-1"
"ordersApi": {
"path": "api.yaml",
"description": "The stack for the Orders API",
"variables": {
"databaseHost": "${children.coreInfra.databaseHost}",
"databasePort": "${children.coreInfra.databasePort}",
"databaseUser": "${children.coreInfra.databaseUser}",
"databasePassword": "${children.coreInfra.databasePassword}",
"databaseName": "${variables.databaseName}"


path: core-infra.yaml
description: core infra (including database) for the Orders API
databaseName: ${variables.databaseName}
sourceType: aws/s3
bucket: order-system-blueprints
region: eu-west-1
path: api.yaml
description: The stack for the Orders API
databaseHost: ${children.coreInfra.databaseHost}
databasePort: ${children.coreInfra.databasePort}
databaseUser: ${children.coreInfra.databaseUser}
databasePassword: ${children.coreInfra.databasePassword}
databaseName: ${variables.databaseName}


Exports are a way to define a set of values from the blueprint that are publicly accessible attributes of the blueprint that can be used in other blueprints as data sources or in external applications or systems that interface with an implementation of the spec via an API.


mapping[string, exportDefinition]



"exports": {
"saveOrdersFunctionArn": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The ARN of the function used to save orders to the system.",
"field": "resources.saveOrdersFunction.state.functionArn"
"saveOrdersFunctionName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the function used to save orders to the system.",
"field": "resources.saveOrdersFunction.spec.functionName"
type: string
description: The ARN of the function used to save orders to the system.
field: resources.saveOrdersFunction.state.functionArn
type: string
description: The name of the function used to save orders to the system.
field: resources.saveOrdersFunction.spec.functionName


Metadata is for blueprint-level metadata used in transformers and resource providers to carry out functionality that spans multiple resources in a blueprint.


mapping[string, ( string | object | array | boolean | float | integer ) ]



"metadata": {
"function.builder": "ESM",
"function.builder.minify": false
function.builder: ESM
function.builder.minify: false

Spec Data Types


A definition for a variable that can be referenced in resources and data sources in the spec. The name of the variable is not in this definition as it is the key in the mapping of variables that makes use of this data type.

The custom type ({customType}) referenced in the variable fields is a type defined by a specific provider in an implementation of the spec that exists for convenience when dealing with variables with a large set of fixed possible values.

A custom variable type must be of the format {provider}/{type}. An example of a custom variable type would be aws/region with a fixed set of supported AWS regions served by an AWS resource provider.

With custom types, labels should be used as references to the values of the variable instead of the values themselves. Custom types should be treated as enums.


Only scalar values are supported for variables. If you want to pass in complex structures such as arrays or objects, you will need to pass them in as strings and use the jsondecode function in a substitution to interact with the array or object structure.

For example, if you are using a provider with a custom function that takes a specific object structure as input you would do the following:


Where variables.deploymentConfig would be a serialised JSON string defined in:

type: string
description: The deployment configuration for the service
default: '{"replicas": 3, "memory": 512}'


type (required)

The type of the variable that can be referenced throughout the spec.

field type


allowed values

string | integer | float | boolean | {customType}


A list of allowed values for the variable. All possible values must be of the same type as the one defined for the field.

Allowed values can be used with custom variable types to restrict the set of the possible values further.

For custom types, allowed values must be provided as the label for an option.

Boolean variables do not support allowed values as binary enumeration does not make much sense, it is better to set boolean variables that can be true or false and use other types for enumerable lists of options.

field type

array[conditional based on "type" ( string | integer | float | boolean | {customType} )]


A description of the variable.

field type



Indicates whether or not the variable is a secret. This is useful as it allows implementations to mask sensitive values in a blueprint.

field type


default value



Provides a default value for the variable as a fallback when a value for the variable is not provided.

For custom types, the default value must be provided as the label for an option.

field type

conditional based on "type" ( string | integer | float | boolean | {customType} )


A definition for a value that can be referenced in resources, data sources, exports and other values in the spec. The name of the value is not in this definition as it is the key in the mapping of values that makes use of this data type.

Values can be scalar types, arrays or objects.

Values can not have defaults as the value field is required and will always contain a static or computed value.


type (required)

The type of the value that can be referenced throughout the spec.

field type


allowed values

string | integer | float | boolean | array | object

value (required)

The computed or static value that can be accessed from other values, resources, data sources, exports and metadata in a blueprint.


This contents of the value field must be in the form of a string. Objects and arrays must be derived from dynamic sources in a ${..} substitution. Integers, floats and booleans are parsed from the string value, if the value type can not be parsed, an error should be thrown/returned.

field type








A description of the value, useful for providing context in tools built on top of the blueprint specification.

field type



Indicates whether or not the value is a secret. This is useful as it allows implementations to mask sensitive values in a blueprint.

field type


default value



A definition for a data source that can be referenced in resources and other data sources in the spec. The name of the data source is not in this definition as it is the key in the mapping of data sources that makes use of this data type.


type (required)

The type of data source, must be a valid namespace for a type of one of the providers configured with the spec implementation/engine that is being used. (e.g. aws/vpc)

field type



Metadata provides useful information about the data source including things like annotations that can be used to provide extra context about the data source which can be used by provider implementations.

field type


filter (required)

Filter provides a way to select a specific resource managed outside of the blueprint for a data source. A filter can simply be an equality check (= or !=), or it can be a more complex search using operators like in, not in etc.

In the case there are multiple externally-managed resources that match the filter, the first one should be used.

field type


exports (required)

Exports provides a way to define the fields that should be exported from the data source and exposed to resources and other data sources in a blueprint.

The names of the fields exported from the data source should be the keys in the mapping of exports unless the aliasFor property is used, in which case the value of aliasFor should be a valid field name in the data source object.

Object paths using dot notation can be used for exported field names (mapping keys) for nested fields in external resources (e.g.

field type

mapping[name(string), dataSourceExportDefinition]


A description of a data source that can be used to provide extra context in UI or CLI tools that make use of the blueprint specification.

field type



A definition for the metadata that can be associated with a data source.



A name of the data source that should be used when displaying it to the user in UI or CLI tools.

field type



Annotations provide extra context that can be used by data source implementations.

Annotations should be well documented by providers for data sources to allow for easy discovery of the available options and required context needed for a data source to do its job.

It is good practise to namespace annotation keys and use dot notation.

field type

mapping[string, ( string | integer | float | boolean ) ]


Custom is set aside for any custom metadata outside the scope of the blueprint specification implementation.

An implementation of the spec should persist the custom metadata associated with a blueprint instance so that it can be accessed by other tools that may use the custom metadata. Providers can also make use of the custom metadata where annotations do not suffice, however its usage must be well documented.

An example use case would be for visual information in a UI diagramming tool for resources and data sources.

field type

mapping[string, ( string | object | integer | float | array | boolean )]


A definition of a filter that can be used to select a specific resource managed outside of the blueprint for a data source.


field (required)

The name of the field in the external resource that should be compared to the search value(s) using the configured operator. Object paths using dot notation can be used for nested fields in external resources (e.g.


A filter field does not correspond to the field name in the data source specification for fields that can be exported from the data source. These fields can be any data type and are not limited to the fields that can be exported from the data source. You can check the documentation of a data source provider to see the fields that can be used in a filter.

field type


operator (required)

The operator used to compare the search value(s) with the configured field in the external resource.

Operators should be read with the field on the left and the search value(s) on the right.

field type


allowed values

= | != | in | not in | has key | not has key | contains | not contains | starts with | not starts with | ends with | not ends with

For more precise information on how the operators should behave with certain inputs, see the Operator Behaviours section.

search (required)

A value or list of values that should be compared to the value of the configured field in the resource using the configured operator.

field type

string | integer | float | boolean | array[ ( string | integer | float | boolean ) ]


A definition of an exported field from a data source that is exposed to resources and other data sources in a blueprint.


type (required)

The type of the field being exported from the data source.

field type

array | string | integer | float | boolean

only arrays of primitive values are supported as exported data source fields.


Determines the name of the field in the data source object that should be exported to the blueprint with an alias.

When this field is set, the alias would be the key in the datasources mapping. See the datasources examples for more information.

field type



A description of the exported field that can be used to provide extra context in UI or CLI tools that make use of the blueprint specification.

field type



A definition for a resource in a blueprint.


type (required)

The type of the resource, namespaced by its provider.

The format for a resource type should be one of the following:



An example of a valid namespace for a resource type would be aws/ec2/instance or celerity/handler. When the {resourceType} segment contains multiple words, lowerCamelCase should be used. An example of this would be aws/ec2/autoScalingGroup.

field type



Metadata provides useful information about the resource including things like annotations and labels.

For resources, annotations can be used to provide optional and required context for relationships between resources (linking).

For resources, labels are essential for an implementation of the specification to be able to link resources together in an implicit, declarative fashion.

field type



Condition provides a way to conditionally create resources based on the state of other resources, variables, values or data sources in the blueprint.

The condition can be defined in 2 ways. 1, as a boolean expression in a ${..} substitution that evaluates to true or false; 2, as a condition object that allows conditions to be combined with and, or and not operators.


${..} substitutions can also support more complex logical expression utilising the and, or and not functions.

For example:

eq(variables.deploymentTarget, "cloudFunctions")

An example of a condition for a resource would be:

type: aws/lambda/function
- ${eq(variables.deploymentTarget, "serverless")}
- ${eq(variables.environment, "production")}
functionName: ordersApi-${variables.environment}-saveOrderFunction-v1
codeUri: ./orders
handler: save_order.handler
runtime: python3.12
tracing: Active
architectures: arm64
DATABASE_HOST: ${variables.databaseHost}
DATABASE_PORT: ${variables.databasePort}
DATABASE_USER: ${variables.databaseUser}
DATABASE_PASSWORD: ${variables.databasePassword}
DATABASE_NAME: ${variables.databaseName}
timeout: 120

field type

string | conditionDefinition


Provides a way to create multiple resources based on a list of values that can be referenced in the blueprint. The current item in the list can be accessed by referencing elem in a ${..} substitution. The current index can be accessed by referencing i in a ${..} substitution.

See the references section for more information on how to reference the current item (elem) and current index (i) in the each array.


each does not support substitution references that resolve to objects or mappings, you can do the following to feed an object into an each:


An example of using each for a resource would be:

type: aws/s3/bucket
each: ${values.bucketsToCreate}
bucketName: ${elem.bucketName}
objectLockEnabled: ${elem.objectLockEnabled}
- key: "bucketNumber"
value: bucket-${i}

Then to reference resources from an each resource template, you can use the following syntax:


field type



A specification of selectors that can be used to link to resources that match the given criteria where there is an implementation in a provider that facilitates the relationship.

linkSelector should be set for a resource that is going to be making use of other resources that match the criteria. For example, a cloud function that will make use of a cloud data store will set a linkSelector criteria to link out to the cloud data store.


The linkSelector query is only applied to resources within the same blueprint, it can not select resources that match the criteria in another blueprint. For example, resources in a child blueprint can not be selected by a linkSelector in a parent blueprint. Instead, blueprints must share data through variables and exports.

field type


spec (required)

The specification for the resource that will be used to create/update and synchronise blueprint lifecylce state with the resource in the provider.

An example for a cloud function resource spec in AWS would be the spec object in the following:

type: aws/lambda/function
codeUri: ./orders
handler: save_order.handler
runtime: python3.9
tracing: Active
timeout: 120

The above example just shows a small subset of the fields avaiable for an AWS Lambda spec. Resource implementations should provide a fully featured spec that conforms to the API of the provider service.

field type

mapping[string, ( string | object | integer | float | array | boolean ) ]


A description of the resource that can be used to provide extra context in UI or CLI tools that make use of the blueprint specification.

field type



A definition for the metadata that can be associated with a resource that primarily enables implicit linking between resources when combined with selectors.



A name of the resource that should be used when displaying it to the user in UI or CLI tools.

field type



Annotations provide extra context that can be used in links that represent the relationships between resources.

All values that do not represent a property of a relationship between resources should be a part of the resource spec.

Annotations should be well documented by providers for resources and their links to allow for easy discovery of the available options and required context needed for a data source to do its job.

It is good practise to namespace annotation keys and use dot notation.

field type

mapping[string, ( string | integer | float | boolean ) ]


Labels provide a way of grouping resources that can be linked to by a selector based on predefined rules.

For example, let's create a scenario where you have a serverless application that you want to deploy to a cloud service like AWS. In this scenario you have some lambda functions that need to talk to a DynamoDB table and a Secrets Manager store. In the blueprint specification, in order to make the DynamoDB table and SecretsManager store available to the cloud functions, you will set a shared label on the DynamoDB table and SecretsManager store and then set a selector on the cloud functions like the following.


type: aws/dynamodb/table
displayName: "Orders Table"
service: "ordersApi"
- attributeName: "order_id"
attributeType: "N"
- attributeName: "product_id"
attributeType: "N"
- attributeName: "amount"
attributeType: "N"
- attributeName: "order_id"
keyType: "HASH"
- attributeName: "product_id"
keyType: "RANGE"
tableName: "orders"

type: aws/secretsmanager/secret
displayName: "Orders Secrets"
displayName: "Orders Secrets"
service: "ordersApi"
secretName: "ordersApi"

type: aws/lambda/function
displayName: "Get Orders Function"
# A hypothetical annotation that indicates that
# each resource that meets the criteria of the link selector
# should be made available to the lambda function as an environment variable.
aws.lambda.function.populateEnvVars: true
service: 'ordersApi'
codeUri: ./orders
handler: get_orders.handler
runtime: python3.9
tracing: Active
timeout: 120

type: aws/lambda/function
displayName: "Save Order Function"
aws.lambda.function.populateEnvVars: true
service: 'ordersApi'
codeUri: ./orders
handler: save_order.handler
runtime: python3.9
tracing: Active
timeout: 120

Some predefined rules about the relationships between lambda functions and the resources they need to talk (e.g. DynamoDB tables and SecretsManager stores) will be used in the selection process to determine what links are supported. The link implementation will then be responsible for ensuring everything needed to "activate" the link is provisioned. In this example, this would include ensuring the correct roles and policies are attached to the lambda functions. With a set of enhacement annotations indicating env var names to store DB and secret store info in, environment variables could also be pre-populated in lambda functions with DynamoDB and SecretsManager store details.

field type

mapping[string, string]


Custom is set aside for any custom metadata outside the scope of the blueprint specification implementation.

An implementation of the spec should persist the custom metadata associated with a blueprint instance so that it can be accessed by other tools that may use the custom metadata. Providers can also make use of the custom metadata where annotations do not suffice, however its usage must be well documented.

An example use case would be for visual information in a UI diagramming tool for resources and data sources.

field type

mapping[string, ( string | object | integer | float | array | boolean )]


A definition for a condition that can be used to conditionally create resources based on the state of other resources, variables, values or data sources in the blueprint.

A condition must only have one of the following fields set: or, and, not.

If more than one of the fields are set, an implementation of the spec should fail with an informative error.



A list of conditions that should be evaluated with a logical OR operator.

field type

array[conditionDefinition | string]


A list of conditions that should be evaluated with a logical AND operator.

field type

array[conditionDefinition | string]


A condition that should be evaluated with a logical NOT operator, negating the result of the condition.

field type

conditionDefinition | string


A definition for supported link selectors that can be used to implicitly link resources together.

In this version of the specification, the only supported linkSelector type is byLabel.



A selector that can be used to select resources that match a set of labels. When multiple labels are defined, implementations of the specification should require ALL labels to match.

field type

mapping[string, string]


A definition for a child blueprint that should be included in the current blueprint. A child blueprint can be on the same file system as the parent blueprint or sourced remotely depending on the implementation of the spec.


path (required)

The path of the child blueprint to include.

This can be a relative path to the current blueprint, relative to the current working directory in a tool implementing the spec or the key/name of the blueprint in a remote file system or object store.

Relative path example:

-- main-blueprint.yaml
-- child-blueprint.yaml
# main-blueprint.yaml
path: child-blueprint.yaml

Working directory path example:

-- app_infra
---- main-blueprint.yaml
-- core_infra
---- child-blueprint.yaml
# app_infra/main-blueprint.yaml
path: ${cwd()}/core_infra/child-blueprint.yaml

Remote file system example:

# main-blueprint.yaml
path: core-infra-2023-04-20.yaml
sourceType: aws/s3
bucket: order-system-blueprints
region: eu-west-1

field type



A mapping of variable names to values to be used in the child blueprint.

The names (mapping keys) must match the variable names defined in the child blueprint. The value type must match the same type as the variable definition in the child blueprint.

field type

mapping[string, ( string | integer | float | boolean ) ]


Metadata that is designed for implementations to provide custom context/information for dealing with a child blueprint.

For example, an implementation would add metadata about a remote location to source a child blueprint from.

field type

mapping[string, ( string | object | array | boolean | float | integer ) ]


A description of the child blueprint providing context for its usage in the parent blueprint.

field type



A definition for data exported from the blueprint that can be referenced by other blueprints or external systems. The name of the exported attribute is the key in the mapping in the exports section of the blueprint.


type (required)

The type of the exported field.

Implementations of the specification should explicitly fail with an informative error when the exported field type does not match the type of the field being exported.

field type


allowed values

string | integer | float | boolean | array | object

field (required)

The name/path of the resource field, data source field, child blueprint field, variable or value to export.

When it comes to resources, any attribute can be exported, including fields in the state, spec and metadata.

Fields from the final state of a resources can be referenced using the state property following this format:


See the references section for more information on referencing resources, data sources, child blueprints, variables and values.

field type











A description of the exported field that will help in navigating the blueprints, especially useful in UI and CLI tools built around the spec.

field type


Spec Behaviours

This section provides in-depth information on how parts of the spec should behave that goes beyond the schema definition.

It's worth noting that some contextual information about spec behaviour that can be presented concisely will be found amongst the schema definitions.

Operator Behaviours

The following sections describe how the operators in data source filters should behave with different inputs.

Equality Operators ( = | != )

The same rules apply to the = and != operators, != will be the negation of the behaviour for the comparisons described below.

primitive = string | integer | float | boolean

field(primitive) = search(primitive)

When the field in the external resource is a primitive and the search value is of the same primitive type then the search value must be an exact match.

field(array[primitive]) = search(array[primitive])

When the field in the external resource is an array of primitives and the search value is an array of primitives of the same type, then each search value must match the field value in the corresponding position in the array.

Any other combinations of search value and field type outside of those listed above should be invalid. In these cases the filter operation should fail and the implementation should report an informative error to the user.

In Operators ( in | not in )

The same rules apply to the in and not in operators, not in will be the negation of the behaviour for the comparisons described below.

primitive = string | integer | float | boolean

field(primitive) in search(array[primitive])

When the field value is a primitive and the search value is an array of the same primitive type, the field value must have an exact match with at least one of the search values.

Any other combinations of search value and field type outside of those listed above should be invalid. In these cases the filter operation should fail and the implementation should report an informative error to the user.

Has Key Operators ( has key | not has key )

The same rules apply to the has key and not has key operators, not has key will be the negation of the behaviour for the comparisons described below.

field(mapping[string, any]) has key search(string)

When the field value is a mapping of strings to any value and the search value is a string, the field must have at least one key that is an exact match with the search value.

Any other combinations of search value and field type outside of those listed above should be invalid. In these cases the filter operation should fail and the implementation should report an informative error to the user.

Contains Operators ( contains | not contains )

The same rules apply to the contains and not contains operators, not contains will be the negation of the behaviour for the comparisons described below.

primitive = string | integer | float | boolean

field(array[primitive]) contains search(primitive)

When the field value is a primitive and the search value is an array of the same primitive type, the search value must have an exact match with at least one of the field values.

field(string) contains search(string)

When the field value is a string and the search value is a string, the search value must be a substring that can be found within the field value.

field(mapping[string, primitive]) contains search(primitive)

When the field value is a mapping of strings to primitive values and the search value is of the same primitive type, the search value must be an exact match with at least one of the mapping values. In this use case the keys should not be taken into account and the mapping should be treated as a list of values.

Any other combinations of search value and field type outside of those listed above should be invalid. In these cases the filter operation should fail and the implementation should report an informative error to the user.

Starts With Operators ( starts with | not starts with )

The same rules apply to the starts with and not starts with operators, not contains will be the negation of the behaviour for the comparisons described below.

field(string) starts with search(string)

When the field value is a string and the search value is a string, the field value must begin with a substring that is an exact match with the search value.

Any other combinations of search value and field type outside of those listed above should be invalid. In these cases the filter operation should fail and the implementation should report an informative error to the user.

Ends With Operators ( ends with | not ends with )

The same rules apply to the ends with and not ends with operators, not ends with will be the negation of the behaviour for the comparisons described below.

field(string) ends with search(string)

When the field value is a string and the search value is a string, the field value must end with a substring that is an exact match with the search value.

Any other combinations of search value and field type outside of those listed above should be invalid. In these cases the filter operation should fail and the implementation should report an informative error to the user.

References & Substitutions

In a blueprint, references are ways to access values from a number of different types of objects in a blueprint. References can be used to reference variables, resource fields, data source fields, and exported fields from child blueprints.

In most cases references are made with the ${..} syntax with a few exceptions such as the export "field" attribute which expects a reference to be made to a resource field as a regular string.

${..} is a substitution that can be used for references and to apply one of a limited set of functions to a value.

Accessing Nested Fields

Nested properties that are a part of a field that is a mapping can be accessed with . notation. This is the same for accessing properties in nested mappings too.

[\d+] can be used to access items in a field or a nested field property that is an array by index. [] can be used as shorthand in references to get the first item in an array. For example ${myResource.myArray[0]} can be written as ${myResource.myArray[]}.

Example of accessing nested fields:


Not all reference object types support deep nesting like this, be sure to check the documentation for the object type you are referencing.

Variable References

Variable references are simple references that allow access to primitive values or custom enum types that have been defined in the blueprint.

Variable values include strings, integers, floats, booleans, and {customType} enum labels.

Variables must be referenced with the variables.* prefix.

The following is an example of a variable reference:


Variables can not have any nested properties or array indexes as they are primitives.


If you had a string variable containing serialised json, the following would not be valid:


To reference a variable that contains serialised json, you can use the fromjson function to extract values from the serialised array or mapping.

${fromjson(variables.cacheClusterConfig, "host")}

Variable Reference Format

The precise format for a variable reference notated in Extended Backus-Naur Form would be the following:

variable reference     =   "variables" , name accessor ;
name accessor = ( "." , name ) | ( "[" , name in quotes , "]" ) ;
name in quotes = { name in quotes char }- ;
name in quotes char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" | "." ;
name = start name char , name chars ;
name chars = { name char } ;
name char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" ;
start name char = letter | "_" ;
letter = ? [A-Za-z] ? ;
digit = ? [0-9] ? ;

Value References

Value references are references that allow access to static and computed values defined in a blueprint.

Values can be strings, integers, floats, booleans, arrays, or mappings.

Values must be referenced with the values.* prefix.

The following is an example of a value reference:


An example of accessing an nested field in value would be:


Value Reference Format

The precise format for a value reference notated in Extended Backus-Naur Form would be the following:

value reference       =   value name , [ { ( name accessor | index accessor ) } ] ;
value name = ( "values." , name accessor ) ;
index accessor = "[" , [ natural number ] , "]" ;
name accessor = ( "." , name ) | ( "[" , name in quotes , "]" ) ;
name in quotes = { name in quotes char }- ;
name in quotes char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" | "." ;
name = start name char , name chars ;
name chars = { name char } ;
name char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" ;
start name char = letter | "_" ;
natural number = { digit }- ;
letter = ? [A-Za-z] ? ;
digit = ? [0-9] ? ;

Resource References

Resource references are those that allow access to fields on resources, where fields can be from the resource's current state or from the spec or metadata of the resource as defined in the blueprint.

Resource field values can be strings, integers, floats, booleans, arrays, or mappings.

Resources can be referenced directly by name or with the resources.* prefix. For example, cacheCluster and resources.cacheCluster are both valid ways to reference a resource named cacheCluster.

Fields of a resource must be accessed via .state.*, .spec.* or .metadata.*.

To access a field from the resource's current state, use .state.* like so:


To access a field from the resource's spec, use .spec.* like so:


To access a field from the resource's metadata, use .metadata.* like so:


To access a resource element in an array from a resource template using the each property:


When accessing metadata for a resource, fields must be accessed from either .metadata.labels, .metadata.annotations, or .metadata.custom as per the specification. .metadata.displayName is also supported to reference the display name of a resource.


Any fields with names that contain ., such as annotations where it is encouraged can be referenced using quotation marks like so:


Resource Reference Format

The precise format for a resource reference notated in Extended Backus-Naur Form would be the following:

resource reference    =   resource name , [ { ( name accessor | index accessor ) } ] ;
resource name = ( "resources." , name accessor ) | name ;
index accessor = "[" , [ natural number ] , "]" ;
name accessor = ( "." , name ) | ( "[" , name in quotes , "]" ) ;
name in quotes = { name in quotes char }- ;
name in quotes char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" | "." ;
name = start name char , name chars ;
name chars = { name char } ;
name char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" ;
start name char = letter | "_" ;
natural number = { digit }- ;
letter = ? [A-Za-z] ? ;
digit = ? [0-9] ? ;

Data Source References

Data source references are those that allow access to the exported fields of a data source.

Data source field values can be strings, integers, floats, booleans or arrays of either one of the aforementioned primitives.

Data sources must be referenced with the datasources.* prefix.

A data source field must be accessed via datasources.{name}.*.

The following is an example of a data source reference:


For a data source field that is an array, the following is an example of how to access the first item in the array:


Data Source Reference Format

The precise format for a data source reference notated in Extended Backus-Naur Form would be the following:

data source reference     =   "datasources" , name accessor , name accessor , [ index accessor ] ;
index accessor = "[" , [ natural number ] , "]" ;
name accessor = ( "." , name ) | ( "[" , name in quotes , "]" ) ;
name in quotes = { name in quotes char }- ;
name in quotes char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" | "." ;
name = start name char , name chars ;
name chars = { name char } ;
name char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" ;
start name char = letter | "_" ;
natural number = { digit }- ;
letter = ? [A-Za-z] ? ;
digit = ? [0-9] ? ;

Current Element References (each)

Current element references are those that allow access the current element in an array that is being iterated over with the each feature of a resource.

elem is the keyword used to reference the current element in an array, if elem is used outside of a resource type with the each property set, the implementation should report an informative error to the user.

Element values can be strings, integers, floats, booleans, arrays or objects.

Elements must be referenced with the elem.* prefix.

The following is an example of an element reference:


For an element that is an array, the following is an example of how to access the first item in the array:


For an element that is a primitive value you can reference it directly like so:


The index of the current element can be accessed with the i keyword.

The following is an example of how to access the index of the current element:


Element Reference Format

The precise format for an element reference notated in Extended Backus-Naur Form would be the following:

elem reference        =   "elem" , [ { ( name accessor | index accessor ) } ] ;
elem index reference = "i" ;
index accessor = "[" , [ natural number ] , "]" ;
name accessor = ( "." , name ) | ( "[" , name in quotes , "]" ) ;
name in quotes = { name in quotes char }- ;
name in quotes char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" | "." ;
name = start name char , name chars ;
name chars = { name char } ;
name char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" ;
start name char = letter | "_" ;
natural number = { digit }- ;
letter = ? [A-Za-z] ? ;
digit = ? [0-9] ? ;

Child Blueprint References

Child blueprint references are those that allow access to the exported fields of a child blueprint.

Child blueprint field values can be strings, integers, floats, booleans, arrays or mappings.

Child blueprints must be referenced with the children.* prefix.

A child blueprint field must be accessed via children.{name}.*.

The following is an example of a child blueprint reference:


Child Blueprint Reference Format

The precise format for a child blueprint reference notated in Extended Backus-Naur Form would be the following:

child blueprint reference     =   "children." , name accessor , { name accessor | index accessor }- ;
index accessor = "[" , [ natural number ] , "]" ;
name accessor = ( "." , name ) | ( "[" , name in quotes , "]" ) ;
name in quotes = { name in quotes char }- ;
name in quotes char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" | "." ;
name = start name char , name chars ;
name chars = { name char } ;
name char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" ;
start name char = letter | "_" ;
natural number = { digit }- ;
letter = ? [A-Za-z] ? ;
digit = ? [0-9] ? ;


There are a set of utility functions that can be used in references when accessed via the ${..} syntax.


Functions are not supported in any other context where references might be used. They should only ever be used inside ${..}.

Functions are required to be inclusive of but not limited to the set of core functions defined in the spec; implementations are free to add additional functions as they see fit.

Regular expressions are not supported in the core functions, however, implementations are free to add regular expression support in their own functions.

Core Function Definitions

The following section contains the defnitions of the core utility functions that should be supported by all implementations of the spec.

Function definitions for the specification are defined in a separate document to allow for better navigation and discovery of the core functions.

Core Function Definitions

Complex Return Types

Functions can return complex types such as arrays and mappings.

When a function returns an array, the array items can be accessed with an index accessor [].

For example:

${map(variables.cacheClusterConfig.hosts, trimprefix_g("http://"))[0]}

When a function returns a mapping, the mapping can be accessed with a name accessors . and [].

For example:


As displayed in the example above, multiple levels of nesting within a more complex structure can be accessed with the . and [] accessors.

Complex Types

References can be used to reference complex types including arrays and mappings. There is also the jsondecode function that can be used to decode a json string which will more often than not yield a complex type.

Dynamic value substitution is always performed with the ${..} syntax, this can be as a standalone string or part of a string interpolation; for example, ${} or https://${}:3000.

In the case of a reference that yields a complex type, string interpolation isn't particularly useful and can lead to unexpected results. For this reason, implementations of the spec should explicitly report informative errors to the user when string interpolation is attempted on a reference that yields a complex type.

${..} Substitution Reference Usage

There are restrictions on where reference substitutions can be used to simplify the specification and allow dynamic values to be provided where they are most useful.

The following is a set of rules about the usage of reference substitutions.

Keys/Property Names

References can not be used in mapping keys/property names in any part of a blueprint specification.

Some examples of this would be the following:

❌ Invalid
type: aws/ec2/instance
type: aws/lambda/function
${variables.timeoutKey}: 3000


References can not be used in any part of a transform.

An example of this would be the following:

❌ Invalid
- ${variables.transform1}
- ${variables.transform2}


References can not be used in any part of a variable definition.

An example of this would be the following:

❌ Invalid
type: string
description: ${datasources.databases[0].description}
type: string
description: ${datasources.topics[0].description}


References can not be used in the value type property.

An example of this would be the following:

❌ Invalid
type: ${variables.bucketType}

References can be used in the value field which stores the contents of the value.

An example of this would be the following:

✅ Valid
type: string
value: ${}

References can be used in the description of a value, however it is not recommended for better readability of a blueprint.

An example of this would be the following:

Not Recommended
type: string
value: ${}
description: The name of the ${variables.environment} s3 bucket.


References can not be used in the resource type property.

An example of this would be the following:

❌ Invalid
type: ${variables.functionType}

References can be used in any value in a resource condition.

An example of this would be the following:

✅ Valid
type: aws/lambda/function
- ${variables.getOrderFunctionCondition}
- ${variables.getOrdersActionCondition}
functionName: Prod-getOrderFunction-v1
timeout: 3000
runtime: nodej20.x
codeUri: ..
handler: index.handler

References can be used in the each property of a resource.

An example of this would be the following:

✅ Valid
type: aws/s3/bucket
each: ${jsondecode(variables.buckets)}
bucketName: ${elem}

References can be used in any value in a resource spec.

An example of this would be the following:

✅ Valid
type: aws/lambda/function
functionName: ${variables.environment}-${variables.getOrderFunctionName}
timeout: ${variables.timeout}
runtime: nodejs16.x
codeUri: ..
handler: index.handler

References can be used in the description of a resource, however it is not recommended for better readability of a blueprint.

An example of this would be the following:

Not Recommended
type: aws/lambda/function
description: The function that ${variables.getOrdersAction} in the system.
functionName: ${variables.environment}-${variables.getOrderFunctionName}
timeout: ${variables.timeout}
runtime: nodejs16.x
codeUri: ..
handler: index.handler

References can be used in any value in a resource's metadata displayName, custom and annotations properties.

An example of this would be the following:

✅ Valid
type: aws/lambda/function
functionName: Prod-getOrderFunction-v1
timeout: 3000
runtime: nodejs16.x
codeUri: ..
handler: index.handler
displayName: ${variables.getOrderFunctionDisplayName}
aws.cloudformation.roleArn: ${variables.getOrderFunctionRoleArn}
app: orderApi
customAppTag: ${variables.getOrderFunctionAppTag}

References can not be used in the labels property of a resource's metadata.

An example of this would be the following:

❌ Invalid
type: aws/lambda/function
functionName: Prod-getOrderFunction-v1
timeout: 3000
runtime: nodejs16.x
codeUri: ..
handler: index.handler
displayName: Get Orders
app: ${variables.getOrderFunctionApp}

References can not be used in the linkSelector property of a resource.

An example of this would be the following:

❌ Invalid
type: aws/lambda/function
functionName: Prod-getOrderFunction-v1
timeout: 3000
runtime: nodejs16.x
codeUri: ..
handler: index.handler
displayName: Get Orders
app: ${variables.ordersApp}

Child Blueprint Includes

References can be used in any value in a child blueprint include. This includes the path, variables, metadata and description properties.

An example of this would be the following:

✅ Valid
path: core-infra-${variables.coreInfraVersion}.yaml
environment: ${variables.environment}
region: ${variables.region}
sourceType: aws/s3
bucket: ${variables.blueprintsBucket}
region: ${variables.region}

Data Sources

References can not be used in the data source type property.

An example of this would be the following:

❌ Invalid
type: ${variables.networkDataSourceType}

References can be used in the description of a data source, however it is not recommended for better readability of a blueprint.

An example of this would be the following:

Not Recommended
type: aws/vpc
description: The network to deploy the ${variables.orderApiName} to.
field: subnets[].availabilityZone
operator: in
- eu-west-1a
- eu-west-1b
type: string
aliasFor: vpcId

References can be used in any value in a data source's metadata properties.

An example of this would be the following:

✅ Valid
type: aws/vpc
field: subnets[].availabilityZone
operator: in
- eu-west-1a
- eu-west-1b
type: string
aliasFor: vpcId
displayName: ${variables.getNetworkDataSourceDisplayName}
aws.cloudformation.roleArn: ${variables.getNetworkDataSourceRoleArn}
customAppTag: ${variables.getNetworkDataSourceAppTag}

References can not be used in the exports, filter.field and filter.operator properties of a data source.

An example of this would be the following:

❌ Invalid
type: aws/vpc
field: subnets[].${variables.availabilityZoneField}
operator: ${variables.networkFilterOperator}
- eu-west-1a
- eu-west-1b
type: string
aliasFor: ${variables.vpcAliasFor}

References can be used in the property of a data source.

An example of this would be the following:

✅ Valid
type: aws/vpc
field: subnets[0].availabilityZone
operator: in
- ${variables.availabilityZone1}
- ${variables.availabilityZone2}
type: string
aliasFor: vpcId

Blueprint Exports

References can not be used in the export type or field properties; they can only be used in the description property but generally this is not recommended for readability of a blueprint.

An example of an invalid export would be the following:

❌ Invalid
type: ${variables.saveOrdersFunctionArnType}
description: The ARN of the function used to save orders to the system.
field: resources.saveOrdersFunction.${variables.functionArnFieldPath}

An example of a valid export would be the following:

✅ Valid
type: string
description: The ARN of the function used to ${variables.saveOrdersAction} to the system.
field: resources.saveOrdersFunction.state.functionArn

Blueprint Metadata

References can be used in all values at any level of nesting in the metadata of a blueprint.

An example of this would be the following:

✅ Valid
function.builder: ${variables.functionBuilder}
function.builder.minify: false
- --build-arg
- NODE_ENV=${variables.nodeEnvironment}

Substitution Grammar

Substitutions are made up of a small language that can be defined formally as a context-free grammar. In this specification, Extended Backus-Naur form is used to represent the grammar.

Everything that goes in a ${..} substitution block must adhere to the rules of this grammar.

substitution                 =   function call expr | variable reference | datasource reference | child reference | resource reference | literal ;
function call expr = name , "(" , function args , ")" , [ { ( name accessor | index accessor ) } ] ;
function args = [ ( named function arg | substitution ) , { "," , ( named function arg | substitution ) } ] ;
named function arg = name , "=" , substitution ;
variable reference = "variables" , name accessor ;
value reference = value name , [ { ( name accessor | index accessor ) } ] ;
value name = ( "values." , name accessor ) ;
elem reference = "elem" , [ { ( name accessor | index accessor ) } ] ;
elem index reference = "i" ;
data source reference = "datasources" , name accessor , name accessor , [ index accessor ] ;
child blueprint reference = "children" , name accessor , { name accessor | index accessor }- ;
resource reference = resource name , [ { ( name accessor | index acessor ) } ] ;
resource name = ( "resources." , name accessor ) | name ;
name accessor = ( "." , name ) | ( "[" , name in quotes , "]" ) ;
index accessor = "[" , [ natural number ] , "]" ;
literal = bool literal | float literal | int literal | string literal ;

# Lex tokens

string literal = '"' , string chars , '"' ;
bool literal = "true" | "false" ;
int literal = [ "-" ] , natural number ;
float literal = [ "-" ] , natural number , "." , natural number ;
natural number = { digit }- ;
string chars = { string char } ;
string char = ? utf-8 char excluding quote ? | escaped quote ;
escaped quote = "\" , '"' ;
name in quotes = { name in quotes char }- ;
name in quotes char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" | "." ;
name = start name char , name chars ;
name chars = { name char } ;
name char = letter | digit | "_" | "-" ;
start name char = letter | "_" ;
letter = ? [A-Za-z] ? ;
digit = ? [0-9] ? ;


Dealing with environment variables

The use of ${..} conflicts with shell environment variables so attempts to pre-process a blueprint template file by expanding environment variables are not advised. Environment variables should instead be fed in at runtime and mapped to variables in the blueprint.

YAML Tags and Aliases

The usage of YAML tags and aliases is not supported for blueprints in this version of the specification. The portable substitution language is sufficient for referencing elements in a blueprint and providing more advanced functionality with the extensible set of functions.

Modular Blueprints

A blueprint does not neccessarily need to be a single file, it can be split into multiple files and directories.

Making blueprints modular is useful for organising blueprints into logical groups and for reusing common parts of a blueprint across multiple blueprints.

There are two ways in which you can make a blueprint modular, the first is to use the include property to reference another blueprint file. The second is to use a blueprint resource type provided by an implementation of the spec that allows the use of a blueprint with a pre-packaged set of resources and data sources as if it is a regular resource.

The first of the two options must be available to users in all implementations of the spec, the second is optional and exactly how it is approached is at the discretion of the implementation.

Using Include

The following section contains a set of examples of how you can pull in one or more blueprints from other local or remote files using the include property.

In the Same Directory

-- main-blueprint.yaml
-- core-infra.yaml
-- app-infra.yaml


version: 2023-04-20


type: string
description: The type of topic to be used for order events
default: "standard"
- standard
- fifo

type: aws/region
description: The region in which the application will be deployed
default: "eu-west-1"


path: core-infra.yaml
orderTopicType: ${variables.orderTopicType}

path: app-infra.yaml
# Implementations of the spec should allow users to reference exports from
# included blueprints, correctly determining the order in which blueprints
# are executed to ensure that exports are available when they are referenced.
# See the include section of the spec for more information on how this should
# work.
orderTopicId: ${children.coreInfrastructure.ordersTopicId}
region: ${variables.appRegion}


type: string
description: The unique identifier of the orders topic for the system
field: children.coreInfrastructure.ordersTopicId

type: string
description: The base URL of the API for the system
field: children.appInfrastructure.apiBaseUrl


version: 2023-04-20

type: string
description: The type of topic to be used for order events
default: "standard"
- standard
- fifo

type: aws/sns/topic
description: The topic to which order events will be published
topicType: ${variables.orderTopicType}

type: string
description: The unique identifier of the orders topic for the system


version: 2023-04-20

type: aws/region
description: The region in which the application will be deployed
default: "eu-west-1"

type: aws/api-gateway/rest-api
description: The API for the system
region: ${variables.region}

type: string
description: The base URL of the API for the system
field: resources.api.state.endpoint

Relative to the Current Working Directory

-- app-infra
-- main-blueprint.yaml
-- api.yaml
-- core-infra
-- topics.yaml
-- event-bus.yaml


version: 2023-04-20


type: string
description: The type of topic to be used for order events
default: "standard"
- standard
- fifo

type: aws/region
description: The region in which the application will be deployed
default: "eu-west-1"


# Explicitly specifying working directory removes ambiguity around how paths are resolved.
path: ${cwd()}/core-infra/topics.yaml
orderTopicType: ${variables.orderTopicType}

path: ${cwd()}/core-infra/event-bus.yaml
eventBusName: ${variables.eventBusName}

path: ${cwd()}/app-infra/api.yaml
orderTopicId: ${children.topics.ordersTopicId}
region: ${variables.appRegion}


type: string
description: The unique identifier of the orders topic for the system
field: children.topics.ordersTopicId

type: string
description: The unique identifier of the event bus for the system
field: children.eventBus.eventBusId

type: string
description: The base URL of the API for the system
field: children.appInfrastructure.apiBaseUrl


version: 2023-04-20

type: string
description: The type of topic to be used for order events
default: "standard"
- standard
- fifo

type: aws/sns/topic
description: The topic to which order events will be published
topicType: ${variables.orderTopicType}

type: string
description: The unique identifier of the orders topic for the system
field: resources.ordersTopic.state.arn


version: 2023-04-20

type: string
description: The name of the event bus to be used for order events
default: "default"

type: aws/eventbridge/event-bus
description: The event bus to which order events will be published
eventBusName: ${variables.eventBus}

type: string
description: The unique identifier of the event bus for the system
field: resources.eventBus.state.arn


version: 2023-04-20

type: aws/region
description: The region in which the application will be deployed
default: "eu-west-1"

type: aws/api-gateway/rest-api
description: The API for the system
region: ${variables.region}

type: string
description: The base URL of the API for the system
field: resources.api.state.endpoint

From a Remote Source

To pull in child blueprints from a remote source, implementations of the spec with their own CLIs, APIs or UIs must provide one or more ways to allow users to fetch blueprints from a remote source.

An example would be allowing the use of a remote object store such as AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage to store blueprints.

Implementations are expected to implement support for remote sources using the metadata section of an include entry.

For example, if the remote source was an AWS S3 bucket:

path: core-infra-2023-04-20.yaml
sourceType: aws/s3
bucket: order-system-blueprints
region: eu-west-1

This example is purely to show-case how remote sources could be implemented.

You can find out more about this in the include section.

With Blueprint Resources

The following is an example of how an implementation might go about supporting blueprints as resources.

version: 2023-04-20

type: aws/region
description: The region in which the application will be deployed
default: "eu-west-1"

type: string
description: The type of topic to be used for order events
default: "standard"
- standard
- fifo


type: celerity/blueprint
description: The API for the system
# Assuming a celerity/blueprint provider has a module system
# for blueprint resources.
name: company/ordersApi
version: 2.0
region: ${variables.region}
ordersTopicId: ${resources.coreInfra.state.ordersTopicId}

type: celerity/blueprint
description: The core infrastructure for an orders system
# Assuming a celerity/blueprint provider has a module system
# for blueprint resources.
name: company/ordersCoreInfra
version: 1.0
orderTopicType: ${variables.orderTopicType}


type: string
description: The base URL of the API for the system
field: resources.api.state.endpoint

type: string
description: The unique identifier of the orders topic for the system
field: resources.coreInfra.state.ordersTopicId